Taking care of Mom and Dad in the Pandemic, an online forum

In my role as a Home Transformation Designer and Aging in Place Specialist, I look for opportunities to raise awareness about the benefits of accessibility design for homeowners who want to live independently and safely in their homes as long as they choose. I recently took part in this online forum with other senior services professionals where I talk about the advantages of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), especially in this time where Assisted Living centers can be dangerous for residents and limit or prevent access to our loved ones. ADUs offer the ability to keep our loved ones close while investing in the equity in your home instead of paying fees for services.

Panel Discussion - October 28, 2020 - Talk Show Factory

Taking care of Mom and Dad in the Pandemic

Caring for our aging parents is difficult under normal circumstances.  During this pandemic, the challenges have multiplied exponentially:

  • Remote care is complicated by travel restrictions and adapting  to a "Zoom World" or virtual face time visits is difficult. 
  • The risk of Covid-19 infection makes care decisions more difficult and adds to the potential for guilt. 
  • The legal and financial landscapes are changing rapidly and it is difficult to stay current.
  • Nursing homes have been hotbeds for the virus, giving rise to concerns about care.
  • What can I do about the isolation and loneliness my loved one is experiencing?

Who should attend?  Seniors, their adult children and caregivers.

Please join us as our panel of experts addresses these issues and offers strategies to blunt their impact:

Eldercare Advisor/Speaker/Trainer/
Podcast Host: SeniorsSTRAIGHTTalk

Rubina Chaudhary
President and Founder, Olive Community Services
Cohost: SeniorsSTRAIGHTTalk

Colin Healy 
President, Design LLC
Home Transformation Designer and Certified Aging in Place Specialist

Dan Cohen, MSW
Founder & CEO Right to Music, Public Speaker, 
Founder Music & Memory, Subject of "Alive Inside",
Sundance award winning documentary

Jack York
President and co-Founder of iN2L, a technology company providing engagement technology to senior living communities all over the US and Canada

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