“Ask the Designer” Free 20 Minute Phone Chat

The most frequently cited reason that homeowners hesitate to begin their projects is a lack of information. Years can slip by while wondering how to solve a problem or make a choice of directions. In the worst case, when it is time to sell the house, the needed changes finally get made and you don’t get to enjoy them. 

To overcome this unnecessary hurdle, my Next Sep Home Design Process begins with a free, no obligation question and answer phone call in which you can describe your project and get some useful feedback without a big commitment.

1. During the call, you will get the opportunity to clear up nagging questions and eliminate misconceptions that may be holding you back.

2. I will ask you questions designed to help you get clarity around your goals and how to prioritize them.

3. If I do not have the answer to your questions, I can give you access to my network of hand-picked building professionals to get the information you need for a successful project.

You will get answers to your questions and it will cost you nothing.

Cost: It’s on the house!

To get started, please call 203-722-8973 to schedule a time to talk or click this link to book a call online..